
Showing posts from October, 2024

Prayer Requests

 Sheila Landham  I have an appointment with a nephrologist this week. Pray for good results please. Also I have cataract surgery on Thursday. Please pray all goes well with that. No infection and complete healing   Shiela Richerson  Lost my job. Only a week’s notice. My lat day is Thursday.

Wednesday Oct. 9th Self Care


Wed. Oct. 9 Self Care


Monday Oct. 7th

  Photo A Day  Autumn Baking 

Sunday Oct. 6


Dorcas Saturday Oct. 5

  The story of Dorcas in the Bible is one of the most profound and inspiring ones you’ll read. In this story, we meet a faithful follower of Christ who served others in their time of need and who herself received God’s grace and mercy in her time of need. This woman’s life and her gift of hospitality, charitable work, acts of kindness, and love for God and his people set her apart in the kingdom of God. When we are introduced to Dorcas, the first thing we learn is that she was a female disciple of Jesus Christ. The only time we see the feminine form of the word disciple in Greek being used in the New Testament is with Dorcas and hardly elsewhere. As a disciple, she was a believer and follower of Christ. She applied the teachings of Christ in her life. The disciples of Jesus were in the inner circle of the early church. We learn that Dorcas was continually busy with charitable work for the needy and marginalized around her. She was a seamstress known for her good work of making clothes