'SAFE' God is Our Refuge


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

A Safe Place

Read: Psalm 46:1-7 Weekly memory verse: Psalm 46:1

“Safe! I’m on base, I’m safe! You can’t get me now!”

Remember playing the game of tag as a child? The person who was “it” chased all the other players hoping to tag one, making them “it” for the next round. Most of the players ran quickly to the safety of home base. However, at least one player would usually tempt fate by continuing to run around, barely darting out of the grasp of “it” again and again. Not me though. I always ran straight to home base and the protection it provided.

I haven’t played tag in a very long time, but I still need a safe place to run to when the troubles of life threaten to overtake me. I need a refuge – a shelter, a place of safety that protects me from danger and trouble.

In John 16:33, Jesus said His followers will have trouble in this world. We live in a fallen world, full of troubles of all kinds. In fact, sometimes, like the mountains in Psalm 46:3, we may see our lives crumbling around us while the flood waters rise. But God offers protection for His children in distress.

According to Psalm 46:1, God is our refuge, our “ever-present help in trouble.” He has the power to save and authority to act. We don’t have to fear our circumstances. God is bigger than our personal crisis, any physical disaster, or political upheaval. Whenever and wherever His children need help, God is there.

Reflect & Apply

What troubles, difficulties, or heart-aches are you dealing with now?

List the things you learned about God from today’s Scripture.

Do you believe God is bigger than your troubles? Reflect on how God may choose to use your troubles for His purposes.

Prayer Prompt

Write a prayer to God acknowledging Him as your refuge, your place of safety.

Memory Minute (Why Should I memorize Scripture?)

Each day of devotions will guide you through a quick exercise to help you memorize that week’s memory verse. Please take a minute or two each day to follow the suggestions and by the end of the week you should know it “by heart.” Don’t forget to review them regularly.

For a constant reminder that God is our source of strength and place of safety, commit to memorize Psalm 46:1.

Read the verse.

Read the verses immediately surrounding it to understand the context in which it is written (in this case, read Psalm 46:1-3).

Rewrite the verse in your own words.

Write the verse and reference on a card. This card should fit the type of storage system you’ve chosen for your verses.

Read it out loud three times.


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