

3 Promises of God’s Peace

Peace. It can be elusive in a time of panic. We ask ourselves and question how to find peace so I want to encourage you to lean on these 3 promises of peace in the bible.

How To Find Peace

One of my favorite scriptures on peace to remind me to turn my focus back to God is found in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Right now with a chaotic, panic-driven world, it is very easy to get caught up in trying to secure our peace within our means.

Not that we shouldn’t take precautions and make wise decisions with regards to preparations for our health and safety, but our security and peace cannot be bought from a store, stocked in our homes, or purchased over the counter.

So when we wonder how to find peace and we’re trying to secure it for ourselves, what do we do?

Peace is one of the special gifts that sets us apart as Christians. We’ve been given God’s blessed assurance His peace alone can calm our hearts and souls.

Do you need this reminder today?

3 Promises of Peace

When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, the Great Exchange takes place. He takes our brokenness, our desperation, our emptiness, and He makes us whole in him. 

He gives the gift of Himself which is perfect peace – among many other things! How to find peace is by pursuing the One that is peace.

Promise #1

“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

This is more than just a bible verse on peace to read in passing quickly. This is a promise from the Savior of the world.

We have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit within us. If it were up to ourselves, we’d have a mile-long checklist of things to do and attain in an attempt to capture peace.

It’s not possible and can quickly turn into an endless effort to keep reaching for something we will never grasp. It’s even easy for us as Christians to get tempted and distracted by the chaos and panic of the world and fall into this trap.

But note this: it is a trap.

We are different from the world because of Jesus and the good news of the gospel. We have been given power, hope, joy, and peace that only He provides.

When you find yourself starting to get caught up in the panic, turn your attention back to God’s Word. How to find peace is a gift from Jesus himself.

Promise #2

You could say the promises of peace get better and better but the truth is, they all affirm the very same thing. Our peace comes from the Lord!

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

I love this passage because it promises us that we will experience God’s peace and that through that peace, God will guard our hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

For so long I focused on the words, “do not worry about anything” and tried to will myself not worry or be scared. Let me tell you how that went: awful.

It was exhausting and unattainable. There was no way I could psyche myself out of not being scared or worried no matter how hard I tried.

You have to read the entire passage and note the final words: as you live in Christ Jesus.

See, I was trying not to worry on my own and in my own strength and I was still living very much in the world, not in Christ Jesus.

The promises of peace only come from the Power Source: Jesus Christ. He tells us what to do.

Receiving Peace:

Pray to God about everything. Nothing is too small or too gigantic for him to handle. He desires for us to turn to Him and share our hearts and struggles.

Tell God what you need. Confess your weakness. Admit your struggles. If you’re scared, tell Him. If you’re exhausted, worried, and worn out, tell Him so He can give you rest. Trust in the work of Jesus Christ and rely on Him alone.

Thank God for all that He has done. Look back on your own life and also, the miraculous works of the bible. He is worthy to be praised, thanked, and celebrated. Praise our Father that Immanuel, God with us, never leaves us alone when we are scared!

What does this lead to? It leads to God’s perfect peace which exceeds anything we can understand. 

God knew since the beginning of time what every day would hold. Nothing is a surprise to him and he is never caught off guard.


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