Turkey Tracks -- Why They Wander

 This month our group is remembering MaMa and Grandma. 

For many those memories revolve a cherished quilt.  

A cherished family heirloom.  

For many thier memories are of MaMa and Grandma hand stitching a quilt. 

I have no such fond memories.  It's fine. Because I never actually thought about it. 

What you don't know about you can't miss it or crave it. 

When my daughter was in 2nd grade I began making our own family heirlooms and memories.   They are not the same 'Real' Heirlooms as those hand stiched but they are 'Ours'.  She and I love the quilts I have made her and my grandchildren.  

In planning for this month we knew one of our topics had to focus on quilts and our memories of MaMa and Grandma. 

I went to a book The Quilt Life for inspiration. 

I read about the pattern Turkey Tracks.  I had heard of it.  Seen it before but didn't know 'about it' 

I learned the pattern is involved in superstition. 

From the book . . . 

"Wandering Foot' was an attractive design and popular.  It became linked with rebellious children that left home early.  It become popular in folk lore that if children slept under the quilt that they would leave home at a very early age. 

The quilt pattern lost it's appeal until the pattern was renamed 'Turkey Tracks'.

Christian families rely on God's cover of Blessing in thier homes rather than relying on superstitions . . . 

I feel Blessed and Thankful God provides many promises in His Word.  We can trust in Him.  

We can be confident that God has his own plan and Pattern for our lives. 

God's Pattern 

The family is God's plan for teaching 

each new generation about His ways. 

When we trust God to help us raise our children, 

We are not tormented by superstitions.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. 

Proverbs 22:6 

Todays Verse 

Numbers 6:24-26

New International Version

24 “‘“The Lord bless you

    and keep you;

25 the Lord make his face shine on you

    and be gracious to you;

26 the Lord turn his face toward you

    and give you peace.”’


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