
Showing posts from October, 2023

Mission Monday November Challenge

  #MissionMonday #PrayerPocket #AmyLanePrayerRoom #JunkJournalMinistry #ThePerfectTeaPot   Our group has a project.  We have adopted three ministries that serve God in unique ways.  The above hash tags will take you to posts about the work each of the ministries.  As a group we pray for the member founders  Penny Lane Whittemore Cnc Junk Journal Ministries and founder of Prayer Pockets. Bonnie McDaniel Gurganus the founder of the Perfect Tea Pot.  And Amy Lane Prayer Room located in Galveston,Texas.  Prayer Pockets at Amy Lane Ladies we invite you to consider making Prayer Pockets for the ministries.  #PrayerPockets will take you to D.I.Y. and How To posts.  Please message me or any of the founders if  you have questions.  Pennys video Penny's envelop Prayer Pocket

Collections Memories

 #MorningDevotion Go. . .  Collections I think of things that are important to me. But it's more than just things. The most important to me are my kids, The Cowboy our family. And so I collect memories. Memories are important.   Whether good or bad. Memories are good. But memories can be bad.  I choose to focus on the good.  Sometimes bad memories  can be collected without our even realizing it.  Let's focus on whats good. Let's collect memories that make us smile. That carry us through the times that maybe aren't pleasant.  When part of your family doesn't live near it's hard to collect memories. So it's (I think) important to make memories where you can. Collect their memories from photo's and cards and letters.  Text message with a photo or a thought about what happened in the their day. I collect them all.   I work to make events and things memorable to send presents and little trinkets across the miles to make a memory to add to our/my colle

Tuesday Devo.

  Good morning ladies! Today I'm sharing a devotional from Bible Minute.  I hope it is a blessing to you today. Have a great day! 💕 #MorningDevotional #BibleMinute The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9 (KJV) In this Psalm, David writes that the Lord is a refuge for us. In times of trouble or oppression, we can cling to His name. Let's think about what this means and how it applies to our lives today. First, refuge means "safe place," which is what the Lord provides to us. He cares for us in times of trouble, and tends to us when no one else will. When we are falsely accused or wounded by someone else, we can take comfort in the fact that the Lord knows exactly what happened and He is always on our side. At the same time, we know that because of Jesus, the Lord extends grace to us when we have sinned, and we can approach Him and have a relationship with Him as if we had never sinned. If you are facing something that

To Love A Cowboy A Little Bit More

  Hello ladies. How is your day going?   I needed a break from packing.  So here I am.  As much as I struggle with writing devotions I am very excited to begin this new series with you all.  This series is for everyone.  Whether you have your very own Cowboy.  I know you all have a man in your life to pray for.   A son. A grandson. Brother.  Your pastor.  I hope you will join me and spend a few moments in prayer.  God began talking to me awhile back about this series.   My response was Lord but some of these ladies are alone.  How does this relate them?  And you know Lord. I can't write devotions.   And then. I began to realize that I really, really need to pray more and better for my husband.   But how do I relate that to the group?  And then. I found his Bible from when he was a teenager.   And I realized that I can share my journey with you.  So ladies join me today and let's study together and learn how  To Love a Little  More  

Joy in the Morning by Jessie Gussman

  We were chasing cattle this morning and I stopped to take this pic.  Pie came up over the hill, so I shoved my phone under my butt and took off on the four wheeler. Guess my butt must have come off the seat a few times because the next time I went to grab my phone, it was gone.  I was kinda bummed thinking I’d lost this pic. (How was I going to find my phone in a 40 acre field that I had crisscrossed multiple times?) Anyway, sometimes you have little miracles, like a beautiful sunrise, like riding behind the last of the cows as they run up the hill (for the fourth time) and you look down and your phone is *right there*.  Fun morning.

