Pay For It Cover It Fa8th 9n the Farm Debo.

As I read the devotions in the book Faith on the Farm. 

One caught my eye and reminded me of a hymn . . . 

Grace, grace, God’s grace,

Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;

Grace, Grace, God’s grace,

Grace that is greater than all our sin! 

And that last line smacked me down!  

Jessie's devotion reminds us . . . 

When we love someone (and God commands us to love everyone - and not by the world's definition of love) we cover their sin with love. It doesn't mean we hide it. 

It means we PAY for it. 

And, of course, I don't mean that we're going to go get crucified, although that's our example, right? It means when someone is mean or unkind, when they cheat or steal, when they don't live up to Christ's standard, we take the pain, bear the hurt, give them grace - pay for it from our emotional and spiritual store - and don't require anything in return.

 That's showing love. 

Their unkindness, their inconsideration, their thievery, their betrayal, ("multitude" means: a whole hen of a lot - Gussman's dictionary) because of love. Really, though, usually it's not big stuff, right? 

And usually it's not strangers or people that we don't know very well that we struggle with. 

It's in our homes. Our families. Our friends.

 When we're living or working or being with someone day to day, it's typically not the big stuff that we need to cover. 

It's the misspoken word. The lack of consideration (yet again). An unintended (or intended) slight. Laziness, unkindness, neglect, disinterest, downright meanness, possibly. 

We're to cover that with love. 

Pay for it. 

 When things aren't easy and they hurt, our heart aches, we're discouraged and we struggle and feel like quitting. 

And then a small voice whispers.  

My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

 That's where we really have the opportunity to glorify God.

 To sing in the storm. 

To love the unlovable (in our own homes) . . . 

I realize I need to and take the words to heart. 

To brush away the tears.  To hide the hurt.  

To give Grace. 

And accept Grace. 

God's Grace.  

And I realized Love is a Five letter word . . .


Because only by accepting God's Grace can I truly Give Grace. 



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