Scripture Writing introduction

 Good Morning Ladies today we will be kicking off the month talking about Scripture Writing.  

Next week we will 'Dig Into' verse mapping.  

For me Scripture Writing is so easy!

But I read over and over ladies having a hard time knowing 'How' to get started.  

I think the Biggest challenge is to just do it. 

There is no right or wrong way. 

It is just 'Your Way' whatever is easiest or comes natural to you. 

There are no specific tools.  You might read other people's How To's and they talk about Pens and other tools which they are probably selling.  My advice don't get caught up thinking you need a specific pen. 

If all you have is your child's broken crayon 'Broken Crayons still work.  

I do use a different color each day. Or flip back and forth between 2 colors so that each verse is evident and the verses don't run together.  

That is my preference.  Do what you like.  

Some times I mark/number each verse.  Sometimes I don't.  

I have several different journals and notebooks that I have tried fill or used over the years. 

I find a spiral notebook works best for me.  I like that it can be opened and turned back on itself and it lies flat.  They are also rather inexpensive.   I don't buy the ones with dividers because they are expensive and don't fit my needs or purpose. 

I am left handed so the binding in a book gets in my way.  The flatness I achieve with the spiral works best for me. 

I don't worry about decorating my pages.  I feel my scripture writing needs no decoration.  But if you wish decorate to your heart's desire.  (I did add stickers for awhile but I need stickers for other projects now) 

How I start

I choose a list or a book. Currently I am writing Joshua.  

But I will be writing the list with the group also when it begins on Monday.   

The Purpose

For me it's about Growing Closer to God.  

I can honestly say that I learn more and grow closer to God writing scripture than sitting in a Bible Study or doing a self lead study.  

Ladies I have done them all. They don't work for me.  I can't seem to answer questions.  They bore me and overwhelm me.  Sitting in a group of ladies and being asked to recite my answers which I don't have is not a positive experience for me. 

Now a days I don't have the budget to spend on Bible Study books.  And if I am honest I/we really didn't have it 'back in the day' either.   

Writing scripture forces us to slow down the process of reading and encourages reflection on the Word.

The Method 

Part 1 . . . I am being completely open here. This is one of those 'Don't do as I don't statements.  

I don't pray before I start writing. I just sit down and write. 

I don't have a specific time of day. 

Some days I don't get the chance.  Or make the time. 

Some days I write all day.  

But I have an odd and challenging lifestyle right now.  

Advice...Pray before you start.  If your new to Scripture Writing get in the habit of praying first.

Part 2 . . . 

What Bible do I use?  Which ever one is near me.  I have several. 

A couple that are always on my table or by my chair.  

One is a Living Bible Version.  I know there is a whole camp that dislikes the Living Bible.  

But friend I can read it and understand it.  And I have had that Bible since 1977.  

I love that there is lots of writing space.  Or for drawing.  And well it is better quality than my newer Bibles.  

Part 3. . . 

When I write I just pick up where I left off the session before.  I use a color pen or pencil and underline the # of the verse where I start and where I end.  

I have thought about using a color pencil to mark over the verses but I decided to leave that for studying only.   I feel if I markup the verses it is distracting later. 

So, that is How I Write Scripture in Passages.  

I hope you will join me on Monday and we will Write together. 

Also beginning in Monday is Verse Mapping let's learn together how to grow and get closer to God through studying His Word. 


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