Morning Devotional 'Ordinary'

 Repost from a blog post.  Writing on a Topic for 5 minutes.  That is all.


I'm just an Ordinary girl. Going through my old almost boring to some people Ordinary day. But to me it is extra Ordinary. I love my life. God put a spirit in my soul to be just Ordinary me. Just an Ordinary mom and wife. An Ordinary keeper of the home. But if I think about it there is

nothing Ordinary about being a keeper of the home. Many years later after my kids have grown and started families of their own I look back and I see there is nothing Ordinary. And so I give myself a title. The title of CHO Chief Home Officer or Organizer depending on the situation. Looking at that title there is nothing Ordinary about it. I love my little ordinary days. I love that I am able to stay at home and be a helpmate to my ordinary 'ole Cowboy Preacher. Ordinary is good. Ordinary one day becomes Extraordinary! Just wait you'll see . . .



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