What A Friend We Have In Jesus


As I was thinking about the words of the song What a Friend We Have In Jesus this photo came to mind. How often do we think of sista friends before we think of Jesus as our friend. How often do we think of the Joy we have when we're with friends before we think of the Joy we need to have in Jesus. 

If you think of the word Joy . . . think of it this way Jesus (zero)0 (nothing) You. 

 There really is nothing between me and Jesus or at least there shouldn't be. 

 There are many, many times that I cry out the words of a verse in Psalms Create in me a clean (pure) heart. I add the pure because I want my thoughts and my actions to be pure. Pure in that they are actions that God has put on my mind.

But too often I forget to treat him like my friend and ask his opinion. Too often I get in the middle of the day and look at the chaos around me and wonder 'why didn't I pray about my day before it started?'

The answer is simple really. I choose my sista friends first. I think first of checking my email and facebook before I pray for the day. 

I pray today that tomorrow will be a better day. I pray today that tomorrow I will remember What a friend I have in Jesus. 

Seeking Joy in Him on the Journey,


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