Planner Monday & New Members


Good Monday Morning! 

Let's all start our day with a huge Thank You to our morning girls . . . 

Terri Robson begins our day with a Wake Up message.

Linda Underwood starts our day with prayer.  

And Laura Jo gets the week going with her planner and a verse or two that are speaking to her.  

Speaking of Planners we have a lot of planning going on here in the group.  

There are alot of daily activities going on. 

We hope you all will join us. 

There is daily scripture writing with Sheila.  

And Charlotte provides a daily verse for those that want to write or memorize or meditate just on 1 verse at a time.  

On Monday we focus on ministry and feature the ministries we have adopted . . .

Amy Lane Prayer (our feature through Feb. 14) 

The Perfect Tea Pot

Penny's Junk Joirnal Ministry

Watch for my afternoon post featuring Amy Lane. 

We take Tuesday a little slow to work on Prayer Pockets and scripture Writing to post and share on Wednesday for Wordfilled Wednesday.  

Self Care Wednesday festures a devotion, self care tips and Prayer. 

On Thursday we share our Thankful hearts.  Charlotte is our host and invites you to share what you are Thanking God for each week.  

On Tursdays in January Come To The Table our Thursday evening gather place features Cozy Recipes. 

On Friday we think about Family.  

And the new feature Friday Take 5 a Journaling prompt activity.  

On Saturday we hang out and share our Jam. Or what we are doing.  And Terri posts coloring pages. 

And then on Sunday we rest and sing Praises to our Lord. Lisa Ann hosts Pour Out Your Praise. 

At noon we open the group for Prayer Request.  A special day/place to put all requests togèther. 

Our group has a full schedule of activities with something for everyone. 

We hope you will join us. 

Admin Sherry Legan is always available for questions! 

And now lets Welcome new Members . . .

Carmen Valenzuela,
Becky Gray Campbell,
Lynne Clark


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