
Showing posts from May, 2023

Tips on Tuesday -Prayer Requests

  Todays tip is about posting Prayer Requests.  First let me say Please, Please,Please feel free to post Prayer needs any day, anytime.  Please try to remember to add  #PrayerRequests.  (don't be surprised if I message you and ask you to add the #)  Please feel free to add updates too!  Update on sutuation needing continued Prayer.  #UpdatePrayerRequest Or Praises!  Answered Prayers!   #AnsweredPrayer  On Sunday we open the day for Prayer Requests.  Please add your requests.  This is a common place for us all to go and post or read posts and Pray.   Do not feel you have to wait till Sunday.   If it is urgent post anytime! We want to pray for you!   Remember I am always available to answer questions.   I know sometimes what I am thinking in my head doesn't translate.  Just ask Penny.  I drive her nuts sometimes!   

Meeting God The Violet

  The Violet is a beautiful and delicate flower that excuses a sense of shyness and humility . . .  Quite the contrary to the boldness of the Rose!  As I said yesterday the Rose is elusive to me in its regal standing.  Just look at a Rose garden.  Most are a very well kept manicured environment.  But the Violet . . .  I remember seeing Violets growing popping up in the shady area of the woods at the rear of our family home.  There was a beautiful carpet of Violets that had me as a young child dreaming of Princesses and Prince's.  If we think about the Violet and it's seemingly shyness it is easy to see how similar Love can be.   For some God's love is elusive.  Some just don't understand it.  Let us be Thankful today that God gives us these reminders.  Through his Word we can reach closer to him and we can Meet Him in the Garden and rest on a carpet of Violets.   Isn't that a beautiful picture? 

My Hearts Garden - Altered Book Prohect part 2

  Welcome Ladies!  I am excited to share a little more about creating an Altered Book.  I realized this morning an Altered Book is perfect for Our Heart Garden.  While we Alter our Hearts through Prayer, Study and Meeting God we can document our Journey.  Today I am sharing the book I decided to Alter for our project.  As I mentioned this entire concept is hard for me.  And it mught be for you too.  So I want to take our time together and really wrap our head and our hearts around our project.  I hope you join me.  But don't get excited and jump ahead.   For now think about a book you wish to use. You may look at Good Will or even a library sale.    I will tell you another secret.  I am full of them this week.   I have started a blog for our group!  I am not a whiz at Videos like Penny.  But I will give anyone a run for thier money at blogging!   Over on the blog I will give you step by step instructions once we are ready to start!  Today the photos I am sharing are the book I chos

Where Are Your Weeds

  I had waited and waited to be 'back' in a house again.  When we got the call we litterally said "Yes" sight unseen.  Well almost we did go and look at it.  And the huge yards. (Front & Back) I was getting a dog too!   And then spring came.  Guess what else I got! A yard full of Dandelions. Oh my gosh!  No grass in front.  Just weeds.  I have to say I wasn't smart enough to relate it with the verses in Matthew.  Given the chance God had many hours to speak to my heart as I mowed and toiled in that yard.  I realized now I missed a Blessing . . .  . . .  I missed the significance of thorns and what we call weeds.   As I tried to grow veg and flowers I slowly began to realize what I was missing.  I watched little Bees flutter around my yard of yellow flowers(?)  As I began to google how to manage my 'pests' I realized some people actually have Dandelion NoMow areas!  HUH.  Who would have think it?  And as  I read our study I learned how like in the garde

T9ps on Tuesday '?'s'

  No Tips today.  Nope None.  Nada. Today I am opening the page to questions!  I know you have them!  This is something Every member can join in.    Ask away!  Ask about events.  Ask how to do something.   Ask what something is.  Ask where something is.  Ask how you can help.    Got it?  So ask away!

Help Wanted

  Ladies we have a couple jobs we/I need filled.  1st the super easy 1.  We need someone to post our Good Night message Monday to Friday.  I need someone to finish up the month and do the entire month of June.  #2 A much needed kinda hard job.  I need someone who can be our Hostess for Happy Mail.  I will continue to post the event.  But I need someone who can assign partners.  Message everyone.  Follow up through the month.   This really requires a pc.  It can be managed on a phone but it is hard.  This job requires lots if organization skills.  And daily visits to the group.  To check on comments and messages.    Reminder posts and messages to the participants.  If you feel you have the tome energy and interest please messga me.  

May 15 Things SWAP Partners

  The May Small Happy Mail is closed.  Here are partners:  1. Linda Underwood   Charlotte Latrice McGrew  2. Laura Jo Petty Dethloff   Tricey Landers Wilson  Please contact your partner within 24 hours.   Please comment on the event page as you as you have connected with your partner. You will post your Proof of Postage at this link.  You will post Thank you photos on the main page when you receive your Happy Mail.

Tuesday Tip Bits of Blessings

  I wish I could bring you a beautiful bouquet like this!  But I can share a Tip!  It's time for Tuesday Tip.  The day I share Tips for Everyone in the group!   Today I want to share with you about our Bits of Blessings.  The What and the Why.  Many of you have wondered when you join why we ask you to answer our ?'s.  The answers are saved in a file called Bits of Blessings.  B.O.B. is similar to what other groups call R.A.K.s or Random Act of Kindness.  In some groups members are required to send R.A.K.s monthly.    That is not the case here.  You are never required to participate in any event.  We strongly ask and Encourage because participating helps you be involved.  It builds community.    ?'s are also helpful for Happy Mail.  Your partner can look at What you like.  And what you don't like!  I sure would be disappointed to find a Happy Mail package filled with Neon.  I actually did receive 25 8x10 pieces of Neon Animal print one time!   Bits of Blessings and Happy

Meeting God in the Garden Week 2 Day 1

 #MeetingGodintheGarden  #BibleGarden #CatWoodBibleGarden  Welcome back.  Have you begun reading through today's text and verses?   I am sharing blank pages in my Planner for Scripture Writing, my Bible with yesterdays verse marked, and an altered book I began a couple years ago.  All blank and ready to fill with God's.    I have another special guest.  I invite you to visit Cat Wood.  The video link below shares one of  her Bible Gardens. 

God's Blessing in the Garden By Author Nancy Mehl

  God’s Blessing in the Garden I certainly can’t call myself a gardener. Plants and flowers seem to look at me and immediately give up the ghost. I do have some lovely flowers on my deck and in my front garden. They’re the only flowers I can handle. They’re plastic! My plant ineptitude isn’t genetic. My grandmother had a green thumb. She had a special place in her backyard for the most beautiful purple irises. Because of her, they’re my favorite flower. I’ve tried to grow them more than once. Let’s just say that so far, they refuse to have anything to do with me.  We’ve had several moves in the past few years. Around nine years ago we moved from our hometown of Wichita, Kansas, to Festus, Missouri, so we could be near our son, his wife, and our first grandson. After three years (and another grandson), the owner of the house we were renting decided to move his parents in – so we were out. We moved again – a short distance away. Then, three years later, we finally bought our own house. B

Happy Mail Sent

 To Charlotte 

Good Morning Night


Bible Garden Day 1

  Cat's Prayer Bible  Was our 1st week  Bible Study not amazing?  I think you'll agree with me Penny rocks.  To give her a wee little time off for preparation of future studies we invited some amazing friends of mine to do guest posts!  You don't want to miss them!  The week will be a little different but loads of fun!  P enny will be doing daily verse mapping.  Charlotte will be posting the verses.  This is your week to do a little self study.  On Wednesday we are offering a new feature Workshop Wednesday.  Penny will be sharing a project.   I will be sharing a little surprise and my method of study.   Y'all plan to hang out with us.  It's gonna be a Sweet place!  

Prayer for our Group Leaders

  Ladies today lets pray together for a special group of ladies that work tirelessly to provide Encouragement and Blessings for our group!  Penny Whittemore . . . videos & printables, Bible Study Leader & Admin.  Laura Jo . . .Bible Study leader & Admin. Charlotte McGrew  Daily Scripture and Birthdays & Thankful Thursday  Tricey Birthdays  Teri Robinson Good Morning hostess & Coloring Pages hostess. 

Hello May Meeting God in the Garden Bible Study
