My Hearts Garden - Altered Book Prohect part 2

 Welcome Ladies!  I am excited to share a little more about creating an Altered Book. 

I realized this morning an Altered Book is perfect for Our Heart Garden.  While we Alter our Hearts through Prayer, Study and Meeting God we can document our Journey. 

Today I am sharing the book I decided to Alter for our project. 

As I mentioned this entire concept is hard for me.  And it mught be for you too. 

So I want to take our time together and really wrap our head and our hearts around our project. 

I hope you join me.  But don't get excited and jump ahead.  

For now think about a book you wish to use. You may look at Good Will or even a library sale.   

I will tell you another secret.  I am full of them this week.  

I have started a blog for our group! 

I am not a whiz at Videos like Penny. 

But I will give anyone a run for thier money at blogging!  

Over on the blog I will give you step by step instructions once we are ready to start! 

Today the photos I am sharing are the book I chose.  

The stack of pages I tore out.  

 And the signitures I have put together.  

Tomorrow I will be back to teach you about signatures and share mine.  

Have a great afternoon! 

I am excited that today my husband and I are meeting Linda Underwood and her husband for lunch!   Yep they are Vactioning on our island! 


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